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Tilkynna is a reporting system that simplifies the whistleblowing process, ensures anonymity, and streamlines the management of reports.

Account creation

A representative of the company or organisation creates an account within the Tilkynna system, which generates a unique web portal for whistleblowers. This portal allows employees and other whistleblowers to report misconduct and maintain communication through a secure, anonymous portal.

Security and confidentiality are of utmost importance in the handling of these reports, with all data managed in compliance with GDPR and relevant data protection regulations.

Account creation

Multiple report areas

Tilkynna allows the creation of multiple report areas, ideal for larger companies or institutions needing to differentiate between departments or contractors. Each portal is assigned its own subdomain, such as and

You can customise questions, add information pages like guidelines and procedures, and set specific rules for each portal, such as passwords, personal data handling, or electronic identification.

Multiple report areas

Case management

With the case management system, you can modify case titles, set case statuses, add administrators, and tag cases with labels to categorise reports and simplify searches. You can also add comments and communicate with the whistleblower to gather additional information.

Once a case has been resolved, it is possible to remove personal data to comply with data protection regulations.

Report management

Invite system

Tilkynna offers a secure invite system for handling reports, ensuring that all data and interactions remain within the platform. This allows you to request feedback from external parties without sending sensitive information through insecure channels, ensuring both security and transparency.

The system also allows for the creation of links with adjustable permissions, which can be shared via email. These links can be deactivated after use and can include messages that appear upon opening.

Invite system

Anonymous communication portal

An anonymous communication portal is set up for all reports and is protected by an identification number and password. Here, the organisation or company can request additional information from the whistleblower, who can also track the progress of the case.

Within the portal, the organisation and the whistleblower can communicate, share files, and the whistleblower can see whether the case is in progress or closed.

Electronic ID authentication

The organisation can configure the system so that whistleblowers are required to authenticate themselves using electronic IDs, enhancing the security and quality of reports while reducing the risk of spam.

Users of the system within the organisation can also choose to log in using electronic IDs or through traditional login methods with email, password and two-factor authentication.

Authentication with electronic ID


The Tilkynna management system enables organisations to ensure the strict confidentiality of whistleblowers' personal information, thereby enhancing the security of both parties. If the organisation requests access to such information, a reason must be provided, which is recorded in an unalterable event log.

The organisation also has the option to allow anonymous reports and can remove all personal information from reports once they have been processed.



The dashboard page provides the organisation with a comprehensive view of the current status and annual statistics, including charts that display the number of received and closed reports, the use of tags, administrator logins, and the processing of reports.

The organisation can also view the number of new, open, and pending reports, as well as any unread messages and comments. The key statistics for the year include the total number of reports, closed reports, and the average processing time in business days.


Activity logs

The Tilkynna management system records all actions in an unalterable activity logs, allowing the organization to monitor all activities. The activity logs allow you to see who performed an action, when it was performed, and, in some cases, why, such as when viewing the whistleblower's personal information.

Actions recorded in the activity logs cannot be altered or deleted.
