Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to improve user experience.

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Select the plan that best suits your business

You can try all plans for free for 30 days.


15,900 ISK per month (+VAT)
Billed annually

  • Anonymous communications
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Notification area: 1
  • Pages: 3
  • Users: 3
  • Storage: 20 GB
  • Commenting system
  • Statistics
Most popular


24,900 ISK per month (+VAT)
Billed annually

  • Anonymous communications
  • Electronic identification
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Notification area: 3
  • Pages: 6
  • Users: 6
  • Storage: 40 GB
  • Commenting system
  • Statistics
  • Setup support
  • Password for notification area
  • Branding and customised colours
  • Custom questions
  • Invitation system for notifications


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for a quote

  • Anonymous communications
  • Electronic identification
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Notification area: Flexible
  • Pages: Flexible
  • Users: Flexible
  • Data storage: Flexible
  • Comment system
  • Statistics
  • Setup support
  • Password on notification area
  • Branding and customised theme
  • Variable questions
  • Notification message system
  • Custom features