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Privacy Policy

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Tilkynna Privacy Policy

This is the Privacy Policy of Slidesome ehf., registration number 410618-0790. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].

When you visit our website ("the website"), or generally use any of our services ("the services," including the website), we understand that you trust us with your personal information. In this privacy policy, we aim to explain to you as clearly as possible what information we collect, how we use it, and what rights you have in relation to it. We hope you take the time to read this privacy policy carefully. If there are any terms in this privacy policy that you do not agree with, please discontinue using our services immediately.

When the individual within the organization responsible for receiving the report requests the personal information of the reporter, they must provide a clear explanation, and all actions are recorded in a special event log where all data access activities are tracked. Information about IP addresses and computer identifiers is not recorded. If documents and other files are stored with the report, it must be checked whether personal information in the metadata of the documents could reveal an individual's identity. It is therefore particularly important to remove personal information from the metadata if the individual wishes to maintain full anonymity when reporting. All file names are changed when they are uploaded.

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand what we do with the information we collect.

What information do we collect?

  • Reports
  • When you create a report, you may need to provide personal information such as name, national ID number, phone number, and email address, along with information about the parties involved in the report. This data is stored encrypted with the report and can only be accessed by certain individuals within the organization.
  • If documents and other files are stored with the report, there may be personal information in the metadata of the documents. It is therefore particularly important to remove personal information from the metadata if the individual wishes to maintain full anonymity when reporting. All file names are changed when they are uploaded.
  • Anonymous Communication
  • When you send messages through the anonymous communication portal, you may provide personal information about yourself or others.

Tilkynna ensures that your privacy rights will be respected and that your information will only be used as described in this privacy policy.

Correction of Recorded Information

  • If a user wishes to add information to the case or correct the existing information, this can be done through the anonymous portal using the identification number and password provided when the anonymous portal was created.
  • Please ensure that the identification number and password are stored in a secure place, as they cannot be recovered if lost. If the identification number and password are lost, a new report can be created with a reference to the previous report.

Deletion of Recorded Information

Recorded information may only be stored for as long as necessary. Once a case is closed, the recorded information will be deleted from Tilkynna's database within 6 months of the case's closure.

Transfer of Recorded Information

The information recorded in the system is usually not transferred to third parties. However, under certain circumstances, the information may be forwarded if:

  • Transfer to legal services in connection with a lawsuit based on the report.
  • The report leads to legal proceedings.
  • Required by law.

Data Security

Tilkynna has implemented the necessary technical and security measures to prevent personal information from being destroyed, lost, or damaged accidentally or unlawfully, and to prevent unauthorized disclosure or misuse of the personal information. All data is stored and transmitted encrypted. The processing of personal information is subject to strict supervision and procedures and is in accordance with best practices in this field.

Anonymity and Your Rights

If you have provided us with information about yourself, you have the right to see what data Tilkynna holds about you and the information you have provided through the service. However, this right must not infringe on the privacy rights of others. You also have the right to correct incorrect personal information about yourself, and you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information at any time. Please note that if you provide your name, it may be used in the investigation of the case and in later stages of the case, such as in legal proceedings.

How Do We Use Cookies?

You can find information about how we use cookies here: Cookie Policy


If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal information, you can contact Tilkynna's Data Protection Officer, Jón Trausta Arason, at [email protected].

How Can You Contact Tilkynna Regarding This Privacy Policy?

If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), Jón Trausta Arason, by email at [email protected].