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Terms of Service

Terms of Service / Privacy Policy / Cookie Policy / Data Processing Agreement

Terms of Service

The following terms govern your use of Tilkynna's services, including websites, software, other products, and services. By using Tilkynna's services, you agree to Tilkynna's terms of service, data processing agreement, and privacy policy.

The Service

Tilkynna is an Icelandic web system that simplifies the whistleblowing process by receiving notifications and addressing them appropriately within the concerned legal entity.

The legal entity registers with the Notification system, creating a unique URL for the concerned entity. There, the notifier can fill in information regarding the case. The notifier can send the notification anonymously, with their name and email, or via digital identification. The system also enables the legal entity to communicate anonymously with the notifier, e.g., if further information regarding the case is needed, as well as to provide the notifier with updates on the case status.

The account creator can add other members of the legal entity's whistleblowing team to the Notification management system, and notifications will be sent to their email subsequently. Each user is provided with a unique access and password to the system and is responsible for securing this information. Each user must verify their email and registration to gain access to the system.

Utmost security and confidentiality are maintained in the processing and handling of notifications. Personal information is handled in accordance with fundamental principles and privacy regulations.

Use of the Service

To use Notification's service, the legal entity creates a service account through, providing necessary registration information. The legal entity ensures that all provided information is accurate and correct, recognizing that Notification's service cannot be provided unless all information is complete and correct.

The legal entity is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password for the Notification system and all data provided through the system. Notification is not liable for any damage resulting from the legal entity's failure to meet these requirements. The legal entity agrees to promptly notify Notification / Slidesome ehf. of any security breaches or unauthorized use of the Notification system.

Tilkynna / Slidesome ehf. is not liable for any damage that may be caused by information and data uploaded to the system by Tilkynna users, whether it is damage to computer equipment, software, or other related equipment and web servers of legal entities. Users must always exercise utmost care and security when opening documents and files uploaded by Tilkynna users on their computer equipment.

Tilkynna / Slidesome ehf. is not liable for any damage that may be caused by information provided by service users through the Tilkynna system, whether the information is provided under a name or anonymously.

Access to the service

Tilkynna subscribers have access to the agreed Tilkynna service. A paid subscription grants the legal entity a non-transferable, revocable, and limited license to use and access the service. The legal entity has the right to use the service solely in accordance with the service functionalities for the period for which payment has been made.

Development and changes

The Tilkynna service is continuously evolving, and Tilkynna reserves the right to change and update the service. Tilkynna will notify legal entities with 30 days’ notice if changes to the service are likely to have a significant and negative impact on the user's experience of the service. The legal entity is responsible for ensuring that email addresses and other communication paths are correct. If the legal entity does not agree with the changes, it has the right to cancel the service with 30 days' notice, effective from the day the subscription is terminated. However, the remaining subscription period will not be refunded either in part or in full. If the legal entity continues to use the service after the 30-day notice period, Tilkynna will consider that the legal entity agrees to the changes to the service, and the terms and conditions that the changes entail.

User data

User data encompasses all information provided by a legal entity or users within Tilkynna’s website or communication gateway. The legal entity is solely responsible for user data and assumes all risks associated with the use of this data. If a password is lost, the legal entity can contact Tilkynna for a new password. Tilkynna is not responsible for user information being lost or falling into the wrong hands because the legal entity has mishandled passwords or user information within their organization.

The legal entity and users of the system agree not to upload, send, or distribute harmful software intended to alter computer systems or data, such as computer viruses and worms, or to gain unauthorized access to the service or other systems connected to the service.

Reporting ensures the availability of the service around the clock, every day of the year. If the availability in any given month is less than 99%, the customer is entitled to compensation time for the service time lost. Reporting reserves the right to temporarily suspend the service for updates or changes, up to a maximum of 15 minutes per month.

Subscription and Termination

The subscription invoice is issued once a year and 12 months are paid in advance. The legal entity undertakes to pay the invoice no later than the due date of the invoice. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, Reporting has the right to charge statutory collection fees and interest in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, or to suspend the service. Additional services, when required, that are not included in the annual license fee are billed according to Reporting’s price list.

The service agreement is valid for 12 months. If the legal entity has not terminated the service before the end of the 12-month period, the subscription will continue and an invoice will be sent out annually until the legal entity terminates the service.


The legal entity is not permitted to sell, lease, transfer, or distribute the service, or otherwise use Reporting's system in any other way than agreed upon. The legal entity is not permitted to copy, modify, create derivative works, or reverse engineer any part of Reporting's system without the written consent of the owners of Reporting. The legal entity is not permitted to develop a similar service to that offered by Reporting, or another competing service.


Reporting provides the service in accordance with its description and with the limitations described in these terms of use. Reporting does not offer legal advice. The information and advice provided by Reporting are not considered to be legal advice and Reporting is not responsible for such use. Reporting is not responsible for the legal entity's use of the service, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.